Call for Workshop Proposal
Crime Victim Center of Erie County presents the 10th Annual Victims’ Rights Conference. This one-day conference will be held on Thursday, April 27th, 2023 at the Ambassador Conference Center in Erie, Pennsylvania. This year’s conference will be held in-person only.
Audience: victim advocates, law enforcement, counselors, therapists, social workers, nurses, forensic nurses, students in related fields, prosecuting attorneys
Seeking proposals that highlight best practices, current trends and/or innovative topics. As this conference is sponsored through the Crime Victim Center, workshops must include a connection to victimization and trauma. Topics might include: use of technology in stalking/interpersonal violence, issues surrounding bullying, neurobiology of trauma, investigation or prosecution techniques, working with underserved populations (including the elderly, LGBTQ, refugee and international people), military sexual assault, gender differences in trauma processing/PTSD, prevention education programming, culture and norms, human trafficking, use of innovative therapy techniques (ex. therapy dogs, breathing techniques, etc.) with child or adult victims, etc.
Additionally seeking proposals for workshops to satisfy Ethics requirements and relate to victimization and trauma.
- Workshop length: 90 minutes. 3 hour presentations (taking two 90 minute sessions) will be considered, but explanation must be given for the need for this time frame.
- Co-presenters are accepted and welcomed, particularly pairings which represent the theme of collaboration.
- Individuals may submit multiple workshop proposals, but each must be a complete, separate submission.
- Please keep an accurate word count for each section. If a limit of 100 words is given, for example, only the first 100 words will be read and considered.
- Completeness of information
- Adherence to criteria
- Connection of workshop to target audience
- Qualifications of presenter(s)
- Relevance to victimization (sexual, physical, other crime, etc)
Proposal Checklist
- Completed application
- If proposal is for extended time, rationale for this time (100 word max)
- Workshop objectives (minimum 4)
- Workshop abstract (500 word max)
- Target audience (50 word max)
- Bio of each presenter in narrative form (100 words max)
- Resume or CV of presenter(s)
We will be seeking Continuing Education credit for the conference. Because of the time involvement, please be sure to include #s 3,4, and 7 at the time of workshop proposal.
Please submit all materials in a single email to Amy Blackman, Questions may be addressed to the same. Proposals must be received by February 20, 2023 for consideration. Accepted proposals will be notified on or before February 24th.
Click here to download Application for Proposal Submission
Or submit using the form below