*Internet Safety*

Through a PowerPoint presentation and discussion, participants are made aware of the dangers of the internet, for themselves and for their family.

With separate programs for parents and teachers, the program discusses techniques for handling the dangers, as well as ways to reduce risks while on the internet.


*Playing it Safe on the ‘Net: Parent Component*

This program is designed to help parents identify potential internet dangers, such as spam, harassment, pornography, and predators.

Using PowerPoint, interactive discussion, and a video, the program helps parents understand the possible reactions their children may experience should they come across these dangers and steps to prevent possible encounters.


*Gambling 101*

Using PowerPoint, interactive discussion, and an activity, this program defines gambling and introduces the warning signs of compulsive gambling.

Participants are given information about reducing their risks of becoming involved in compulsive gambling and helping friends and family.


*Identity Theft*

Addressing one of America’s fastest growing crimes, this presentation uses a PowerPoint, video, and interactive discussion to address the following information:

  • How to define identity theft
  • How a person’s identity is stolen
  • How to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft
  • Resources for reporting a stolen identity
  • Steps to follow in the aftermath of identity theft

*Keeping Safe at Home and Away*

Interactive discussion and an activity using the Crime Clock statistics allow participants to assess their risks for being a victim of a crime.

The program gives steps an individual can take at home and in the community to help reduce the risk of becoming a victim.  Risk reduction steps are tailored to the specific facility / population requesting the program.


*Risk Reduction and Responding to Victimization*

This program helps participants to examine their vulnerabilities and how these can play a part in victimization.

Using interactive discussion, audience members generate ways to overcome those vulnerabilities and reduce the risks of becoming a victim of crime.

The program also includes steps to take if a person does become a victim as well as how to help someone else who has become a victim of a crime.


*Talking to Children About Sexual Abuse*

In this discussion of how to address sexual abuse among children, the following topics are included:

  • Prevalence of abuse
  • Warning signs
  • Ways perpetrators gain the trust of both parents and children
  • Terms and concepts to talk to children about
  • What to do if a child discloses a sexual assault


*Bullying: Working Together to Create a Solution* This course is currently unavailable

In this PowerPoint and discussion presentation, we look at the ways bullying occurs and the consequences it can have to the victims, bullies, and bystanders.

Other topics discussed include:

  • Identifying risk factors for children
  • Strategies and tips to help avoid those risks
  • Ways parents can work others in their children’s lives to help reduce involvement in bullying situations



Through the use of interactive discussion and PowerPoint, the program discusses the many different forms of cyberbullying (via cell phones, tablets, online gaming, etc.) and the consequences for both victims and offenders.

Other topics included are:

  • Steps to take if a student is a victim, cyberbully, or bystander
  • Risk reduction techniques
  • Other tips for parents and schools

More information here